This is a story about a girl named Lucky...
大家對小甜甜布蘭妮的印象是什麼?young&sexy, hot girl....
我倒覺得比較像她的一首歌"I\\'m not a girl not yet a woman"
也許是"Oops. I did it again", "Crazy", 或是"Do somethin\\\\\\' "
一開始是對歌名很好奇(對這個字有特別的情感),曲風是布蘭妮少有的中版temple,內容不是談情愛的歌,且音樂一下聽到的是一句口白「This is a story about a girl named Lucky...」,你想到什麼嗎?像是說故事「很久很久以前」對不對!從記憶資料庫裡想要找一個很類似的歌來說明"就像xxx歌那種感覺",唯一想到的只有「有一個女孩叫甜甜,從小身長在…」,但又覺得不貼切。好吧!那就請大家一起來欣賞"Lucky"的歌詞,也可以去找這首歌來聽哦,在My Prerogative 專輯裡。
This is a story about a girl named Lucky...
Early morning,
she wakes up
Knock, knock, knock
on the door
It\\\\\\'s time for make up,
perfect smile
It\\\\\\'s you they\\\\\\'re all waiting for
They go...
"Isn\\\\\\'t she lovely, this
Hollywood girl?"
And they say...
She\\\\\\'s so lucky, she\\\\\\'s a star
But she cry, cry, cries in her
lonely heart, thinking
If there\\\\\\'s nothing missing
in my life
Then why do these tears come at
Lost in an image (image),
in a dream
But there\\\\\\'s no one there to
wake her up
And the world is spinning, and
she keeps on winning,
But tell me what happens when
it stops?
They go...
"Isn\\\\\\'t she lovely, this
Hollywood girl?"
"Best actress, and the
winner is...Lucky!"
"I\\\\\\'m Roger Johnson for Pop
News standing outside the
arena waiting for Lucky!"
"Oh, my
she comes!"
Isn\\\\\\'t she lucky, this
Hollywood girl?
She is so lucky, but why does
she cry?
If there is nothing missing in
her life
Why do tears come at night?
(這首歌的melody並不華麗,但和歌詞so match,找來聽聽吧^^)