Many thanks to all people who cared about my health. Brothers and sisters in Lord family, Naomi, Martin, Thiago, Max, Yiting,and my parents,... and who pray for me. thankful filled me in heart.
Now I can pick one time to eat normal food.
And after around ten days, I'll make an advanced checking if I remember :P
Thank you very much for your kindly concerning .
Also, once I used to work with the busy schedule and kinds of knowledge I need to prepare about what I believe, I hope I'll not feel pressure and handle well. XD
special thanks to Moond who is my Brasil Bro. He gived up his sleeping time (cuz we have 22 hours time difference) to be with me to chat with me and share his feelings and my ill feelings. I'm planning flying to you. thanks for your kindly and nice to me.
we love each other, cuz God which is the first one who loved us. filled of us.
(這句話不是在說我愛那位巴西的誰,是聖經裡的一句,「我們愛,因為 神先愛我們」神先把愛給了我充滿我,讓我知道、認識、並瞭解愛的真諦,讓我也可以愛人,而不是只是一直求被愛而以。我只是想說,因為 神的愛充滿了我們,所以我們才會懂得去愛人)
thank you while I suffered diffuicult things and you stood by my side.
thank you my bro.