
經文: 「只管站住,看耶和華今天向你們所要施行的救恩。」(出十四:13)

神真的很愛我們  你知道嗎? 你知道祂愛你嗎?

同時分享一首 安妮塔推的曲子 我深愛你








很多事情我真的沒有把握!  未來的事情也是!懦弱是一種面對的方式 也就好像逃避,急著處理也是一種行動。傲慢自以為是也是一種態度 ,都是我常會發生的狀況 。  停下來安靜下來 雖然好像沒有馬上有人意的行為 雖然交給神不知道什麼時候才會回應會接收到屬天的信息告訴我該怎麼做 。

但 交給 萬事都安排好的 神吧!

Stand Still
Scripture: "Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord" (Exod. 14:13).

        These words contain God's command to the believer when he is reduced to great straits and brought into extraordinary difficulties. He cannot retreat; he cannot go forward; he is shut upon the right hand and on the left. What is he now to do?

        The Master's word to him is "stand still." It will be well for him if, at such times, he listens only to his Master's word, for other and evil advisers come with their suggestions. Despair whispers, "Lie down and die; give it all up." But God would have us put on a cheerful courage, and even in our worst times, rejoice in His love and faithfulness.

        Cowardice says, "Retreat; go back to the worldling's way of action; you cannot play the Christian's part; it is too difficult. Relinquish your principles."

        But, however much Satan may urge this course upon you, you cannot follow it, if you are a child of God. His Divine fiat has bid thee go from strength to strength, and so thou shalt, and neither death nor hell shall turn thee from thy course. What if for a while thou art called to stand still; yet this is but to renew thy strength for some greater advance in due time.
Precipitancy cries, "Do something; stir yourself; to stand still and wait is sheer idleness." We must be doing something at once--we must do it, so we think--instead of looking to the Lord, who will not only do something, but will do everything.

        Presumption boasts, "If the sea be before you, march into it, and expect a miracle." But faith listens neither to Presumption, nor to Despair, nor to Cowardice, nor to Precipitancy, but it hears God say, "Stand still," and immovable as a rock it stands.

        "Stand still"--keep the posture of an upright man, ready for action, expecting further orders, cheerfully and patiently awaiting the directing voice; and it will not be long ere God shall say to you, as distinctly as Moses said it to the people of Israel, "Go forward.' --Spurgeon

        In times of uncertainty, wait. Always, if you have any doubt, wait. Do not force yourself to any action. If you have a restraint in your spirit, wait until all is clear, and do not go against it


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