也許上帝要我們離去一個弟兄姊妹眾多的聚會,一個最能給我們生氣的山頂,一些有幫助的義人的交通,而回到平庸的以馬杵斯去,或者到世俗的歌羅西,或者竟到遙遠的馬其頓去,我們應當大著膽深信:上帝無論將我們放在甚麼地方,祂早已命定那地方的勝利,會給我們獲得。──德克(Northcote Deck)
Placed For a Purpose
Scripture: "It was noised that he was in the house" (Mark 2:1).
The polyps which construct the coral reefs, work away under water, never dreaming that they are building the foundation of a new island on which, by-and-by, plants and animals will live and children of God be born and fitted for eternal glory as joint-heirs of Christ.
If your place in God's ranks is a hidden and secluded one, beloved, do not murmur, do not complain, do not seek to get out of God's will, if He has placed you there; for without the polyps, the coral reefs would never be built, and God needs some who are willing to be spiritual polyps, and work away out of sight of men, but sustained by the Holy Ghost and in full view of Heaven.
The day will come when Jesus will give the rewards, and He makes no mistakes, although some people may wonder how you came to merit such a reward, as they had never heard of you before. --Selected
Safely we may leave the crowded meeting, the inspiring mountain top, the helpful fellowship of "just men," and betake ourselves to our dim homely Emmaus, or to our dread public Colossae, or even to our far Macedonia in the mission field, quietly confident that just where He has placed us, in the usual round of life, He ordains that the borderland may be possessed, the victory won. --Northcote Deck